Solar Roadways

Solar Roadways

As we progress in ways to develop sustainable energy, this cool idea has been surfacing across the internet lately.

Solar roadways.

It even sounds cool! So these solar panels are a hexagonal grid of intelligent plates that connect together to form panels of different orientations. In this case, roadways. They also are made to be used as driveways, parking lots, game courts, and sidewalks.

They have LEDs built into them that can be programmed to create parking spots road lanes, game types, and even alerts.

These panels are pressure sensitive and can warn you of an obstruction ahead! That way you can avoid collisions with animals, fallen rocks, and the like.

These not only do better for the environment, pay for themselves in a short time span, offer water irrigation, heat up snowy roads, extreme weight and long term year capable, customizable, house data networks, but they SAVE LIVES.

The upfront cost of this sort of technology would undoubtedly be expensive but with crowd funding and some continued support from government entities, this is actually feasible.

Not only that but most of the material used is recycled!

There will be another short article about this soon so stay posted.

Enough of the text, see it for yourself!

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