Category Archives: The Latest

The master repository of all other sections of the latest in content related to Project Love’s endeavors.

Putting a End to Homelessness!

You’ve probably witnessed it with your own eyes. Those who are stricken by homelessness. Whether it is their fault or not, everyone, especially the homeless, fall on hard times. It is a reflection of ourselves how we handle these situations and it’s time we stand up for our fallen brothers and sisters.

In an age where we bareky have time to handle our own issues, summoning the time and courage to help can be hard but it’s not impossible.

At the very least help spread the message and try to end homelessness in your area. Help to get local businesses involved, get your neighbors involved, get your city officials involved. It all starts with you and you can truly change the lives of many…

The intelligence of the Heart

Apparently our hearts haven’t been given credit where credit is due!

Did you know that your heart has it’s own neural network? Did you know that the heart emits a field of electromagnetism around the entire body a few feet away?

Take a look at this special TEDx event in California where you can learn of the intuitive intelligence of the heart and how it can id you in a pursuit of a better life and a better world!

Many people have met with and studied with these practitioners and have changed their lives forever!

What do you think of it all?

Solar Roadways

As we progress in ways to develop sustainable energy, this cool idea has been surfacing across the internet lately.

Solar roadways.

It even sounds cool! So these solar panels are a hexagonal grid of intelligent plates that connect together to form panels of different orientations. In this case, roadways. They also are made to be used as driveways, parking lots, game courts, and sidewalks.

They have LEDs built into them that can be programmed to create parking spots road lanes, game types, and even alerts.

These panels are pressure sensitive and can warn you of an obstruction ahead! That way you can avoid collisions with animals, fallen rocks, and the like.

These not only do better for the environment, pay for themselves in a short time span, offer water irrigation, heat up snowy roads, extreme weight and long term year capable, customizable, house data networks, but they SAVE LIVES.

The upfront cost of this sort of technology would undoubtedly be expensive but with crowd funding and some continued support from government entities, this is actually feasible.

Not only that but most of the material used is recycled!

There will be another short article about this soon so stay posted.

Enough of the text, see it for yourself!

Giving the Internet to Everyone

This is exciting news! Many activists for a global internet have banded together to come up with brilliant ways to provide access for everyone! This latest concept that they are working on is Wi-Fi planes. Cool, right?

Mark Zuckerburg is one of the creators and major acting member of this group so with the CEO of Facebook behind it, things should be taken very seriously!

“1/3rd of the world is connected to the internet. The majority is not.” -Yael Maquire, Ph.D. of Facebook

To solve these issues, they are helping to pioneer free space optics which allows communication between these planes and even satellites via lasers! Maguire even compared them figuratively to fiber optics!

They were thinking to use satellites in low population density areas and these solar powered planes in high density areas. Either way, these ideas are incredibly inventive and might change the face of the Earth for the better forever!

It won’t come without many challenges and of course they are going to have to make sure what looks good on paper can actually move into practice but they seemed very aware of this and the best of luck to them!

Check out this other video featuring Maguire explaining this all in detail and don’t forget to check out!