Connections Gatherings

Ways We Can Connect

It’s time we start to mass together as a global community!

There are thousands of ways to get together, virtually or physically! There are workshops, conferences, gatherings, events, festivals, talks, and many more!

Here is the list of all the different, wonderful ways you can connect with the rest of humanity and make your voice heard and hear the voices of others!

Bloom Series:

One of the most unique ways of coming together are transformational festivals. They are a strangely awesome blend of music festivals and social, creative gatherings. These festivals are focal points for radical self expression that is very much intertwined with collective cooperation. It is a place where you are free to the utmost in terms of individuality and completely and utterly accepted  by thousands at the same time.

If you are ready to open your eyes to something new, give the Bloom Series a watch!


Ever heard of TED Talks? These are amazing, genius, and beautiful stories, ideas, and projects shared by the inspiring and brilliant minds of members of our humanity. They are having a global conference this October 2014 and try to make it if you can!


Try out these other TED Talks as well. You can also help to organize your own TEDx in an area near you!

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Opening Our Hearts to Change the World